Feb 6: Butterfly Basics- Butterflies are indicators of a healthy environment, ‘host’ plants for caterpillars, ‘nectar’ plants for adults.
Feb 20: Invasive Plant Walk- Take a hike to look for invasive species in the preserve and what we need to do about them.
March 6- Aquatic Invertebrates– Investigate these indicators of a healthy river. What is biodiversity?.
March 20- Pollination- Seed Bombs– Many plants depend on animals to produce seeds and fruit
Description:The Family Naturalist Series will present a new topic every other week. The topics parallel our youth programs offered to school groups- see campbayou.org for the potential list. Scheduled programs will be posted on the blog at campbayou.blogspot.com. Program cost $5 per person. Reservations required- click here. Space limited - Contact Dolly at campbayou@gmail.com for more information. Masks and social distancing are required until further notice.
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