Saturday, July 31, 2010

Home-school Nature Series at Camp Bayou

Home-school Nature Series at Camp Bayou
Six sessions for just $30 per child. Meet at Camp Bayou Fridays from 10am to noon. Each week we will participate in a different citizen science program- learn about the topic, the protocols to follow and collect the data to be submitted to real scientists who are researching each subject. Sessions are geared for children in grades 3-5 but younger and older children will find value in each of them as well.

Citizen science projects are a great way to be introduced to the scientific method. Students may choose to continue participation on their own, after each session ends, as time and interest allows.

September 10- Florida Butterfly Monitoring Network and The Great Sunflower Project
September 17- Streamwater Watch and World Water Monitoring Day
September 24- Trash Tracker and What's Invasive?
October 1- Mushroom Observer and National Phenology Network
October 8- Florida Bird Monitoring program and eBird
(side activity- Powers of Ten Day is 10/10/2010- check out the visual at
Oct 15- Wildlife Watch and WildObs

Contact Dolly at to register for this series.

Camp Bayou is a public- private partnership between the non-profit Ruskin Community Development Foundation, Inc. (RCDF) and Hillsborough County Parks, Recreation and Conservation. Camp Bayou is located 3 miles south of SR674 at the end of 24th St SE in Ruskin.
Camp Bayou is nether a campground nor a summer camp. It was an RV park before the County's ELAP program purchased the land but it is now open for day use only, open to the general public. Through volunteers, donations, membership and grants, the RCDF offers pre-scheduled programs to schools, youth groups, adult groups and families plus it's open from Thursday- Saturday from 9am-2pm for passive recreational pursuits such as wildlife watching. More information is on the web at .


  1. Hi, Dolly - Will vocabulary be posted here or sent in email? Thank you!

  2. I will send by email in the next couple days. However, I will also be posting each week's info on the Citizen Science blog so folks visiting there can benefit from the info as well :o).
    See you all Friday!


Please keep comments on subject- Thanks!