Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Belated World Book Night... in the morning

World Book Night was officially on April 23, a Wednesday night- not a usual Camp Bayou day or time. But there are still books to be given away! The book is Michael Pollan's Botany of Desire, which explores the idea that plants influence people to help them spread their genes around. It digs into four plants- apple, tulip, marijuana and potatoes- to reveal how people have helped get the plants to places they could never have gotten to on their own. The books will be given out on Saturday, May 3 starting at 10am. With the underlying agricultural theme, there will be tasty snacks and even a plant giveaway or 2.

Those who receive the book are encouraged to read about at least one of the four plants and return on Saturday, June 7, during the Camp Bayou National Trails Day event- Bayou, Boats and BBQ- for a little lunch-time book chat. Lunch on June 7 is free for those who received their book at Camp Bayou on Saturday, May 3. If you've read the book on your own, not part of this World Book Night distribution, you are welcome to join the book discussion.

World Book Night is about giving books and encouraging reading in those who don't regularly do so. But it is also about more than that: It's about people, communities and connections, about reaching out to others and touching lives in the simplest of ways—through the sharing of stories.

Learn more at .

Camp Bayou is located 3 miles south of SR674 at the end of 24th St SE in Ruskin. The Center is open to the general public, Thursday- Saturday from 9am-2pm. Camp Bayou is a partnership between the non-profit Bayou Outdoor Learning and Discovery, Inc (BOLD) and Hillsborough County Parks, Recreation and Conservation. For more information, visit .

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