Sunday, June 27, 2010

July Crafting Naturally workshops

Crafting continues through July

Camp Bayou continues its "Crafting Naturally" workshops each Friday from 9:30-10:30am. Each session, held in the air-conditioned classroom, will introduce one or more craft techniques using or highlighting a natural element. Crafts are varied and will interest participants with skill levels from beginner to intermediate. Advanced crafters are welcome to attend to share their knowledge and expertise. Since there will be at least two crafts offered each session, one geared for kids and the other for adults, this workshop is appropriate for crafters aged 5 to 95. A one-time donation of $5 helps pay for craft supplies Participants may then come to one or all of the summer sessions. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

July schedule:
7/2: intro to basketweaving ('pre-colombian coasters') and cornhusk people
7/9: intro to crochet (repurposed t-shirt rug) and pinecone feeder
7/16: air potato stamps w/intro to Letterboxing and leaf/bark rubbings
7/23: candles and collage
7/30: Solar dyeing and solar prints (if you'd like to have a wearable item to take home on this last day, bring a white cotton t-shirt to Camp Bayou by 7/23 (write your name on it with indelible laundry marker) so I can pre-set the mordant (dye fixative) in the fabric. On 7/30 you can pick which one of the solar dyes we set up on 6/25 that you like to finish the project.)

Crafters will be invited to display and/or sell their creations at our Holiday Open House to be held on Saturday, December 4, 2010. Participation in the Open House is not required but encouraged.
Don't forget our Nature Photography contest. For details, check out our newsletter at . For information on any of the programs at Camp Bayou contact Dolly at or call 813-363-5438. See the June schedule for past sessions.

Camp Bayou is nether a campground nor a summer camp. It was an RV park before the County's ELAP program purchased the land but it is now open for day use only, open to the general public. Through volunteers, donations, membership and grants, the RCDF offers pre-scheduled programs to schools, youth groups, adult groups and families plus it's open from Thursday- Saturday from 9am-2pm for passive recreational pursuits such as wildlife watching, nature photography and trail walks. General admission is still FREE.

The Camp Bayou Outdoor Learning Center is a public- private partnership between the non-profit Ruskin Community Development Foundation, Inc. (RCDF) and Hillsborough County Parks, Recreation and Conservation. Camp Bayou is located 3 miles south of SR674 at the end of 24th St SE in Ruskin. More information is on the web at or call 813-641-8545.


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